Dropbox is a file storage service, which enables you to store any type of content. The files are synchronized between all machines where the Dropbox app is set up and you are able to access them from any sort of device, even a smartphone. Unlike a web hosting service where the files are executed and an html file, for example, shall display as an actual web page with text and images on it, in Dropbox you'll view the content as a list of folders and files. If you have an account with them or open a new one, you could take advantage of our totally free service and you can link a hosting account on our end with the Dropbox account so that our system can generate regular backups there. In this way you could have a copy of your content on our servers, on their servers and also on your PC and you'll be able to access it from any gadget provided the Dropbox app is installed, which will provide you with more safety in case something happens with your info, such as an unintentional deletion, for instance.