Varnish is a website accelerator platform, which caches data for the sake of quicker access. It is occasionally referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy as well and it works between a web server and a browser. When a site visitor accesses a certain webpage, its content is requested by the browser, and then the web server handles this request and returns the needed information. If Varnish is enabled for a certain site, it will cache the pages on the first visit and in case the user visits a cached page once more, the content will be delivered by the caching platform and not by the web server. The increased load speed is an end result of the substantially faster response speed that Varnish offers compared with any web server software. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that the users will keep being served the same content again and again, as any update on any of the web pages is reflected in the content that Varnish stores in its system memory.